The Big Trade Podcast, part 2 of 2: Ender’s Game ft. Tom Ruby

September 1st, 2015|0 Comments

Tom sits down with Peter Pham for another tactful conversation on strategic planning. To begin part two of their two-part discussion, Peter talks about how to cut out of the noise of bad information in decision-making. Tom then shares his experience with his consultant business. This is followed by a discussion on their mutual interest in the military science fiction novel, Ender’s Game, which was transformed into a movie in 2013. The discussion then progresses to cover social trends in regards to personal expertise. After that, Tom talks about his greatest strategists and their tactics [...]

The Big Trade Podcast, part 1 of 2: The Arts of War ft. Tom Ruby

August 26th, 2015|0 Comments

Tom joins The Big Trade Series for the first in a two-part conversation. Peter and Tom start off by talking about strategies based on limited resources. The two then delve to various topics including strategies for startups, the difference in mind set between the East and the West, and various determinants of individual and business success. After that, Peter shares some tactics that he uses to do business in Vietnam, particularly relating to taking advantage of digital marketing. They then discuss how to use quantitative analysis in trading and how this method works in predicting [...]

Art of Manliness: Podcast #121

July 3rd, 2015|0 Comments

Tom was recently featured on episode 121 of the popular Art of Manliness podcast, a podcast devoted to men’s interests and lifestyle with content geared to helping men become better men. Tom discusses how the Average Joe can improve his critical thinking and be a better strategist. More info at

Endercast: Ender’s Game Podcast #18

February 2nd, 2015|0 Comments

Tom was recently featured on episode 18 of the popular Endercast podcast, a podcast devoted to the popular Ender series novels by Orson Scott Card. Tom talks about his involvement in Card’s book “Ender’s World.”


Goodness Breeds Goodness
Before all else, goodness can make an organization; no matter your job, no matter your position, no matter your rank, if you show genuine goodness towards all people, they will go out of their way to help you succeed.
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Seek Balance in Life
You will not always be in the job you are in; one day you will retire and will need to survive that Strong family life is completely compatible with professional advancement.

Find a path on which you can advance in your industry and still grow personally and with your family and friends.

Things are temporary; relationships and memories are lasting – learn which is more important.
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More Maxims can be found throughout the site.


May 2024 Cultural Debris Excursion Recap

June 7th, 2024|0 Comments

“I wish we’d have hiked into San Fruttuoso instead of taking the ferry in both directions. You had mentioned that you often hike in and then take the ferry out. I wish we had done that.” I was having a conversation with one of the couples that joined our Spring 2024 Cultural Debris Excursion to Italy the week after our return. The gentleman was reflecting on the trip after I asked for feedback. This was not the answer I had expected. Two days prior to San Fruttuoso we made a fairly strenuous, but not hard, walk above Genoa. He said [...]


We focus on Your desired end.  We do it with few words and zero fluff.  We are about making You successful. We deliver what we promised when we promised it. You have a schedule. We keep you on it. When that works, we are satisfied.  No secret methods.  No multiple-step programs.  We are practitioner-scholars working for you.

And this is why you should hire us.