Rubes’s Reading List – January 2025 | ||
Author | Title | Comments |
Adric, Ivo | The Bridge on the Drina | Nobel Prize for literature; Historical Novel of the Balkans 1300-WWI; protagonist is a bridge that connects two sides of a river |
Alexander, Caroline | Endurance | Ernest Shackleton’s Antarctic travails, survival and escape – true leadership story |
Albom, Mitch | Tuesdays With Morrie | Albom meets weekly with a dying professor who teaches more about life than any books or therapy |
Ambrose, Stephan | Undaunted Courage | The best book on leadership I’ve read; Lewis and Clark’s voyage of discovery across America |
Barberry, Muriel | The Elegance of the Hedgehog | Lovely novel about a Parisien building concierge who hides herself, and the girl and new tenant who bring her out of her mask |
Biddle, Tammy Davis | Rhetoric and Reality in Air Warfare | Hated by zealots; loved by skeptics – an honest methodological look at claims about airpower decisiveness and whether they bear fruit |
Bowden, Mark | Black Hawk Down | What happened in Mogadishu |
Bronte, Emily | Wuthering Heights | Dark and unhappy story of tortured love, loss and rage on the Moors in old England |
Brown, Alton | I’m Just Here for the Food | Not a cookbook, but a book about cooking and the kitchen |
Buford, Bill | Heat | NY writer apprentices in Mario Batali’s restaurant as kitchen slave; outstanding story about kitchens/food |
Cahill, Thomas | How the Irish Saved Civilization | History of the fall of Rome, and how Irish monks transcribed all knowledge to pass on for future generations throughout Europe |
Card, Orson Scott | Ender’s Game (and all prequels and sequels) | Most compelling novel I’ve ever read; sociology and morality — how far can we go when threatened? |
Chesterton, G.K. | The Everlasting Man (personal #1) | 1921 book that logically challenges naturalist and anthropological claims that Man descended from apes |
Chesterton, G.K. | What’s Wrong With The World | A sweeping work of cultural awareness and criticism in which he predicts what will happen and we today see he was correct |
Crichton, Michael | Timeline | Archaeologists travel back in time to 13th C France in the middle of the Hundred Years War |
Clancy, Tom | Red Storm Rising | Tale of what conventional WWIII would have looked like between the US and Soviets in 1980s |
Clausewitz, Carl von | On War | Timeless treatise on war, statecraft, strategy, and critical thinking |
Cooper, James Fennimore | The Last of the Mohicans | Timeless story of the early American frontier; sisters are kidnapped by natives and tracked by a woodsman |
Davis, Natalie Zemon | The Return of Martin Guerre | Detailed history of a medieval French trial; Asks what we know about History and how we know it |
DeMille, Nelson | Charm School | Air Force attaché finds Vietnam POWs alive in Russia teaching their spies; also read Cathedral – great book |
Dickens, Charles | A Christmas Carol | Very short read, but far better than any play or movie version; worth reading every Christmas |
Doerr, Anthony | Four Seasons in Rome | Melodical short book about the author, his wife & twin baby boys and life in Rome for one year; also wrote 2 Pulitzer novels! |
Donahue, Keith | Angels of Destruction | Great story about a woman whose teen daughter runs away and 10 years later a girl shows up on her door |
Druett, Joan | Island of the Lost | History of 2 ships that wrecked on Auckland Island in 1864; the crew of one survives, the other all die – why? |
Eco, Umberto | The Name of the Rose | English empiricist monk seeks to solve murders in an Italian Franciscan abbey in 1327; I need 8 more lines… |
Ehrenreich, Barbara | Blood Rites | Origins and History of the Passions of War – sociological study of man and why we are driven to war |
Emmerson, Charles | 1913 | Nobody saw WWI coming despite preparing for it. German Kaiser and English King were cousins and best friends; lessons for today |
Feist, Raymond | Riftwar Saga | Great novels dealing with culture and war between two very different worlds; also read Faerie Tale |
Fforde, Jasper | The Eyre Affair (and all Thursday sequels) | Alternative Future – Jayne Eyre is kidnapped from her story and tracked by detective Thursday Next; also read Fforde’s Shades of Grey |
Fisher, Alec | The Logic of Real Arguments | Critical Thinking and sound logic for making sound arguments |
Funke, Cornelia | The Thief Lord | Orphaned German children run away from their Aunt to Venice and find refuge/adventure with other kids |
Gaskell, Elizabeth | North and South | Powerful Victorian novel of cleavages in England; rich, poor; north, south; owner, laborer; man, woman |
Gibbons, Euell | Stalking the Healthful Herb/Stalking the Wild Asparagus | Gibbons delightfully tells of now nature provides all we need. Excellent narratives, drawings and recipes for how to find and prepare wild food |
Gladwell, Malcolm | Blink | The power of thinking without thinking; you can’t put this down once you start it; read him at |
Glenny, Misha | The Fall of Yugoslavia | Excellent, accessible explanation of why Yugoslavia broke apart; culture, history; easy to read |
Gorman, Bob | Newsmaker | Gripping story of cleavages in a small South Carolina town; makes us consider how we interact in our communities |
Hansen, Brooks | Pearlman’s Ordeal | Hansen won a Gold Medal for The Chess Garden; this book is better, especially the second time you read it |
Heinlein, Robert | Starship Troopers | Political Theory book disguised as science fiction – not like the movie; much better |
Hofstadter, Richard | Anti-intellectualism in American Life | Pulitzer-winning study how and why Americans shun thinkers in favor of doers; applicable in today’s military |
Holzimmer, Kevin | General Walter Krueger | Excellent biography of one of the most important, yet least known 4-star generals of WWII |
Homer | The Iliad | Epic poem about the Trojan War; Very timeless; not just a literature assignment |
Hood, William | Cry Spy | Very detailed and fast-paced novel about Cold War spy tradecraft – still applicable today |
Huntington, Samuel | The Clash of Civilizations | How and why the West will fight the rest; also read the many academic rebuttals to this book; Also read The Soldier and the State |
Irving, John | A Prayer for Owen Meany | Owen Meany is a small person with a large role to play in individuals’ lives |
Kapor, Momo | A Guide To The Serbian Mentality | Hilarious, but dead on accurate study of the Balkan mindset; short, engaging chapters on various themes |
Keegan, John | The Face of Battle | Why men fight in battles – Studies of the battles of Agincourt, Waterloo and Somme; Also read Fields of Battle |
Kempis, Thomas á | The Imitation of Christ | The most classic and timeless book on spiritual growth |
King, Stephen | The Stand | The ultimate story of good versus evil; if you read only one Stephen King book, this should be it |
Lang, Pierce, Rosenthal | Ethics and the Future of Conflict | Chapters on various ethical issues and future war |
Lee, Harper | To Kill a Mockingbird | Quintessential American novel of the South, goodness, sociological problems and a child’s innocence |
Lester, Toby | The Fourth Part of the World | Exploration of the New world from the viewpoint of the European map-makers, thinkers, and explorers |
Lewis, C.S. | The Screwtape Letters | Letters from a senior devil to his nephew on how to bring down man – man wins in the end |
Lewis, Michael | The Blind Side | Evolution of the game of football through the powerful story of one poor inner city kid in Memphis |
Levitt and Dubner | Freakonomics | A rogue economist explores the hidden side of everything – great critical thinking book |
Lightman, Alan | Einstein’s Dreams | Excellent allegorical short chapters, each a different dream conceiving time and society in a new way |
Ludlum, Robert | Bourne Identity | Fast-paced spy novel takes you on a trip through Europe & US |
Mandel, Emily St John | Glass Hotel | A giant Ponzi scheme in New York and a woman escaping her past on a cargo ship intersect at a hotel on a Canadian island |
McCullough, David | The Greater Journey | How a small group of Americans in Paris btwn 1830-1900 had a tremendous impact on the USA |
McMaster, H.R. | Dereliction of Duty | How the Joint Chiefs let the people down and lost the Vietnam War |
McMurtry, Larry | Lonesome Dove | Quintessential novel of the American West; Texas Rangers drive cattle to Canada |
Mearsheimer, John | The Tragedy of Great Power Politics | Mearsheimer take on why the US is doomed to go to war in the future (China) – hence the tragedy |
Mingst, Karen | Essentials of International Relations | Basic paperback text on IR; easy to read, very broad, not very deep, but everything you need |
de Montainge, Michel | Essays | Short essays on every topic from virtue to books to cannibals, written c. 1580 by a French nobleman |
More, Thomas | Utopia | Middle-ages manifesto on the utopian society; he leaves you to realize why it would never work |
Morganstern, Erin | The Night Circus | The Circus appears without warning, a marvel, a life-and-death competition between two magicians |
Mowle, Thomas, Ed. | Hope is Not a Plan | The Iraq War From Inside the Green Zone; what planners offered as strategy but was not implemented |
Muller, Herbert J. | Uses of the Past | Challenges the idea that we live in the apotheosis of history and are better than previous civilizations; searches for lessons for today |
Page, Scott | The Difference | Why diversity in decisionmaking is critical to sound results; diversity trumps expertise |
Pearl, Matthew | The Dante Club | America’s most prominent thinkers in 1865 translate Dante during a string of murders in Boston |
Pearlstein, Rick | Nixonland | Book challenges the current meta-narrative; how race and class were used in the 60s/70s to divide the US |
Pears, Iain | Stone’s Fall | Gripping novel of personal trial and national intrigue between 1870 and WWI; also Instance at the Fingerpost |
Peiper, Joseph | Leisure, The Basis of Culture | Post WWII argument that man was made to live, not work, and that leisure and thought lead to heaven |
Perez-Reverte, Arturo | The Fencing Master | Novel of intrigue set in the midst of Spanish revolution in mid-1800s Madrid — his works are good finds |
Potzsch, Oliver | The Hangman’s Daughter (whole series) | Historical novels set in mid-1600s Bavaria; the outcast but wise village hangman solves murders |
Powers, Tim | Declare | Wide-ranging espionage-fantasy mix; real story of spy Kim Philby mixed with hypothetical fantasy |
Prosek, James | Trout: An Illustrated History | Excellent book about North American Trout with beautiful pictures of them all, including extinct species |
Putnam, Robert | Bowling Alone | Explains the rise in negative social indicators as civic involvement decreases |
Rowlings, J.K. | Harry Potter series | Life in the wizarding world parallels life in ours; These are seriously well-written books |
Rutler, George | Principalities and Powers | Back story of spiritual warfare between totalitarian forces and the faithful during WWII |
de Sales, St Francis | Introduction to the Devout Life | Letters and meditations from St Francis de Sales to a person desiring to grow closer to the Lord |
de Sales, Raoul de Roussy | The Making of Tomorrow | 1943 book pretty accurately predicting the collective global political system and its inherent issues |
Scharra, John/Michael | Killer Angels trilogy | The definitive novelization of the Civil War |
Setterfield, Diane | The Thirteenth Tale | Book the Brontes never wrote; obscure biographer listens to a dark story from a famous, dying writer |
Sowell, Thomas | Ethnic America | Who came to America, when, why, and what resulted; Also try his book, Race and Culture |
Steinbeck, John | The Short Reign of Pippin IV | A tale of a common man who is given the French throne even though he doesn’t want it |
Stevens, Richard | The Declaration of Independence and US Constitution | The volume with Richard Stevens’ introduction is the best available; his words illuminate the documents; also read Sober as a Judge |
Stikker, Dirk | Men of Responsibility | Former NATO Secretary General writes one of the best books on diplomacy you can read |
Surowiecki, James | The Wisdom of Crowds | How the many are smarter than the few; gathering a few experts may be worse than asking the masses |
Taleb, Nassim Nicholas | The Black Swan | Sometimes overly pithy, but good cautionary tale about placing faith in statistical methods |
Thucydides | The History of the Peloponnesian Wars | Mandatory reader for early statecraft, combined arms, morality and international relations |
Tolkein, JRR | Lord of the Rings Trilogy | Foundation for all modern fantasy; really an allegory of faithful selflessness and brotherhood |
Towles, Amor | A Gentleman in Moscow | a Russian Count is exiled from public life during the Russian Revolution and made to live out life in the Metropol Hotel in Moscow |
Tufte, Edward | The Visual Display of Quantitative Information | A brilliant look at how information is presented and how it can be presented better with fewer words |
Twelve Hawks, John | The Traveler (and sequels) | People trying to live beyond government control; predicted many technologies of today’s surveillance state |
Unknown | Sir Gawain and the Green Knight | Late 14th Century tale of Sir Gawain’s honor and courage, and a kept promise – excellent short read |
Unknown | Song of Roland | 11th Century French epic poem about Charlemagne and chivalry |
Virgil | The Aeneid | Epic tale of Aeneas’ flight after the fall of Troy and his journey ending in the founding of Rome |
Waugh, Evelyn | Decline and Fall | Brilliant satirical novel of England’s aristocratic class, how those below them are resigned to their fates |
Weigley, Russell | The Age of Battles | Details the futile quest for the decisive battle in warfare; strategy really matters;an excellent European history |
West, Rebecca | Black Lamb, Grey Falcon | Sociological study of Yugoslavia in the 1930s; Excellent Read; very long and full of thick description |
White, T.H. | The Once and Future King | Definitive modern work on Arthurian legend; moral dilemmas and the implications of right vs. might |
Weir, Alison | Eleanor of Aquitaine | Detailed history of the life of perhaps the most important woman in European history, Empress, Queen, mother of 3 kings & empress |
Wodehouse, P.G. | A Damsel in Distress | Best known for the Jeeves and Wooster books, his comedic genius is unmatched; pick any title and read it |
Wohlleben, Peter | The Hidden Life of Trees | Fascinating work on how trees communicate with each other, protect themselves and each other and rely on symbiosis with fungus |
Wright, Mike | What They Didn’t Teach You About … | The Civil War; World War I; World War II; Good books full of facts/stories most people don’t know about |
BGCTS Reading List Jan 2025Tom Ruby2025-02-10T13:42:13-05:00